Are you having any of the below or similar questions wavering in your mind pertaining to your Partnership Business?
1.I am planning to start a new business joining a partner. Can I?
2.Can I join in a business which is already having partners?
3.We are planning to expand our business joining a new partner. Can we join this new partner in our concern?
4.Our Partnership business is not doing well for the past couple of years. Please advise the astrological reason and when it would start getting profit again?
5.We are planning to start a Partnership concern to do export business. Can we proceed?
6.When will our business flourish? We are facing trouble now?
You must know the following:
1.It is most important to know the destiny of your business is favorable for either independent or partnership business as per your and your partners’ birth chart.
2.According to the strength and weakness of the destiny of the partners, your company would face gain or loss according to the running Dasa Bukthi periods.
3.If the Destiny of the all the partners is strong, you could get success and gain through partnership business. The favorable Dasa Bukthi periods have to be utilized properly.
4.If the destiny is not favorable for majority of the partners, you should drop the idea of starting your partnership business. Or you should drop the partner whose destiny is not favorable.
5.You must understand the above and act accordingly.
E mail Report | Phone Consultation | Personal Appointment | |
2 Partners | 3000 INR / 60 USD | 3000 INR / 60 USD | 3000 INR |
3 - 4 Partners | 3500 INR / 70 USD | 3500 INR / 70 USD | 3500 INR |