Own Business

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Are you having any of the below or similar questions wavering in your mind pertaining to your Business?


1.Which business is suitable for me?

2.Can I start a new Business now?

3.Can I expand my business?

4.I have been doing Job so far. But now I am thinking of a Business of my own. Can I do it?

5.Can I do export business?

6.When will my business flourish? I am facing trouble now?

You must know the following:

1.It is most important to know the destiny of your career life is favorable for either job or business or both as per your birth chart.

2.According to the strength and weakness of the destiny, you face gain or loss according to the running Dasa Bukthi periods.

3.If the Destiny is strong, you could get success and gain through own business. The favorable Dasa Bukthi periods have to be utilized properly.

4.If the destiny is not favorable, you should drop the idea of starting your own business .Because that idea could have been triggered in you just because of the supportive period. Otherwise. You will face trouble and end up in loss later in the unfavorable Dasa Bukthi.

5.You must understand the above and act accordingly.

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