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Marriage Matching through Scientific KP System

Dear friends,

Worshiping Lord Uchista Maha Ganapathy and our Guruji Shri.KSK, I like to furnish herewith my method of marriage matching that a KP astrologer can follow.

•    When everything is destined, is it possible for us to do as per our wish ?

•    If one has to get married to one who is destined to become one’s partner, can anyone change it ?

•    If so, practice of matching before marriage is of no use ?

The above are the valid questions arising in the mind of even great astrologers and also many of common people.

My views are as follows: 

•    If everything is destined, what is role of Astrologers and what is use of Astrology?

•    But everything has its own limitation.

•    We cannot bring in what is not destined. But we can make use of the beneficial ones and reduce the impact of the malefic ones.

For example, image if one has lost a leg by some means. If he is , he cannot afford getting an artificial leg to him where as a rich person can. There the lost leg cannot be brought back but the impact of the lost leg can be balanced by an artificial leg.

Suppose the poor person with a single leg wants to go to a place by walk. He consults a person (say an astrologer) on the way to show him a right path for him to go the place. The astrologer first has to find possibility for him to reach the place he wants to go looking at the condition of the person. If astrologer feels that he can reach the place with some effort even with his single leg by walk, the astrologer has to advise him the best possible way with fewer hurdles for him to walk.

No point in suggesting him the regular path wherein others can reach very fast and also no point in showing him the path which is not possible for him to follow.

The astrologer cannot bless him to recover his lost leg. But looking at the possibility and also the condition of the person, when suggests a proper path , the disabled person understanding his situation, can follow the advice and take forward to reach his place.

Similarly, when a native approaches an astrologer, he has to first study the destiny (condition) of the marriage and marital life of the native. Then the native has to be informed about that. Then he has to be advised to find a life partner who can either support him or at least balance his negative points astrologically in the marital life.

The astrologers have to understand here that a native with a poor marital destiny cannot be matched to a partner with a good destiny and they cannot marry also. Because the destiny for the person is that he has to face trouble in the marriage life similar to a person who lost a leg. Here the astrologer has to find a chart from the charts with mixed destiny with balancing significations to the native’s negative significations as it should not further worsen the situation by misunderstandings or incompatibility in their mind settings and also by upcoming unfavorable periods.

There are several Traditional marriage matching rulers which comprises of Star matching, Guna matching, Dasavidha poruththam along with the conditions on Mars Doshs, Rahu-Ketu Dosha, Kal sharp Dosha and many more.

But being scientific astrologers following the wonderful KP system, we have to apply scientifically the knowledge along with the logic and principles properly while doing the matching surpassing the traditional method.


Let’s imagine a father approaches us to find a match to his daughter. 

STEP1: (study on the native’s chart):

First we have to scrutiny the destiny of the daughter on the marriage perspective whether she is destined with a happy marital life or mixed destiny or complete negative destiny.

If the destiny is complete negative (negating marriage), then there is no use in proceeding further.

If the destiny is mixed , we have to study the level of mixed significations either just late marriage or hurdles in marriage and also trouble in the marital life or chance for more than a marriage and so on.

Then the planets which are the causes for the mixed significations and also the significations of the running and coming Dasa periods have to be found.

If she is destined with marriage but with troubled marital life, we have to find a boy chart with the mixed destiny but not exactly as of her . And his chart should have some balancing/supporting significations of her negative significations and vice versa.

STEP2(Studothe bride/groom’s chart)

We have to study the chart which has been brought for matching to his daughter here equal to the STEP 1 to find the level of destiny and the trouble giving planets and periods. If the destiny of the alliance is not good or worse than the native, no need to proceed to the STEP 3.

STEP3(Matching between the charts- Compatibility)

We have to keep in mind that we cannot just match a chart to any better chart provided both have some interlinks within them. Ie., unless they are made for each other. So we can match to the other only if both are having some connection between their charts astrologically. This is called COMPATIBILITY. This can be found from this STEP 3.

STEP4(Looking at the other parameters)

If the STEP 3 is satisfactory then we can proceed with the last STEP 4 to find the significations/strength on the health, longevity, progeny, profession, financial condition and more.


  • According to the level of destiny of the Native at the Step 1, matching to a partner with a comparatively better destiny and with balancing the weak significations of the native is a must.
  • If the Partner’s destiny is showing detrimental destiny than the native on the marital life in the Step 2, proceeding with the Step 3 is not required.
  • If both the native and the partner’s destiny are showing moderate or above moderate significations on the marital life, we can further proceed with the Step 3 to check their compatibility.
  • If the Step 3 is showing favorable, then we can move to Step 4. 

After studying carefully all the above steps, it is the role of the Astrologer to decide the compatibility level and to advise the parent.

Hope I have made myself clear in explaining the steps to the reader. The steps have been given in a CHECK LIST format below in a tabular form for easy reference.

Good Luck !

My pranams to our Guruji Shri.KSK ! Om Sai Ram !!



1 7th House • Beneficial aspect • Afflicted by aspect OR occupation of l/o 6 or 8 or 12
2 7th lord7th starlord

7th Sublord


• 2,5,7,11 • 6,12,8,10,4,1• Afflicted by Aspect or conjunction of l/o 6,8,12

• Indication of more than a Relationship

3 Current Dasa/Bukthi and

Next Dasas

• 2,5,11,7 • 1,6,12,8,4


1 7th House • Beneficial aspect • Afflicted by aspect OR occupation of l/o 6 or 8 or 12
2 7th lord7th starlord

7th Sublord


• 2,5,7,11 • 6,12,8,10,4,1• Afflicted by Aspect or conjunction of l/o 6,8,12

• Indication of more than a Relationship

3 Current Dasa/Bukthi and

Next Dasas

• 2,5,7,11 • 1,6,12,8,4


1. Moon sign lordMoon starlord Moon Sublord Lagna Sign lord Lagna Star lord Lagna Sublord

Day lord

• Connected to 7thrulers in other’s chart

• 2-5-7-11 significator in  other’s chart

• Connected to

Running DB of other

• 6,8,12,4 in other’s chart
2 Lagna sign Compatible with thenature/Traits to other’s

Lagna sign

•    6,8,12 in other’s chart
3 Moon sign • 6,8,12 in other’s chart
4 Running DasaBukthi Periods •    1,5,11 in other’s chart • 4,6,12 in other’s chart
5 2,5,7,11SIGNIFICATORS •    1,5,11,8 in other’s chart • 4,6,12,10 in other’s charts



1 Strength ofLagna, Longevity  and Health 1st   Lord1st CStl

1st CSL




8th lord

8th Cstl

8th   CSL


6th Lord

6th Cstl

6th CSL

• 1,10,11,3,5,9 (exclude Badaka)• Lagna / lagna lord aspected by Beneficial planet


•    1,3,5,8,11 (exclude

11 for chara Lagna)



•    1,5,11 (exclude 11 for chara Lagna)

• Lagna and its lord: afflicted by 6.8,12 Lord• 1csl=1,6,2,7,

12, Badaka


• 8csl=2,7,12,6, Badaka

• Affliction to 8th


• 6th csl=

1,6,12,8, Badaka

2 Progeny Jupiter5th lord

5th CStL

5th CSL

• 2,5,11• 2,5,11,8 • barren signs• 1,4,10,12,6

• Afflicted by malefic planets

3 Longevity of spouse (2nd Csl) 2nd CSL • 2,7,5,9,11,3 (exclude badaka) • 1,8,6,4, badaka
4 Financial Gain 2nd CSL • 2,3,4,6,10,11 • 12,5,8
5 Career 10th   CSL • 2,3,6,10,11 • 12,5,8
6 GeneralProsperity 11th CSL • 2,5,11,10,1 • 6,8,12

With Regards

What is KP ?

ksk PHOTOKP (Krishnamurthi Paththadhi) is based on scientific Stellar Astrology (Paththadhi means theory). The KP System is an excellent scientific method of Astrological predictions conceived and created by the great Master of Indian Astrology, Late Prof. Shri K.S. Krishnamurthi.

The KP System is based on advanced constellation theory.  It has given birth to the phenomenon of Sub-lords and is called “Sub-lord Theory”.Sub-lord is one of the 9 unequal subdivisions of a star, this concept being derived from 120 years’ expertise of the Vimsothari Dasa system.According to the KP System these sub-lords comprise the permanent structure of the 360º Zodiac, and the 12 cusps of the Zodiac starting from the 1st house to last house; each house has a cusp with a sign, star-lord, sub-lord, sub-sub-lord and so on.That is, each cusp has a subdivision called the “Cuspal Sub-lord”.  Similarly every planet as it moves from star to star, moves along these 9 subdivisions of a star called “Planet Sub-lord”. These sub-lords in their formation at birth or in a Horary chart are so sharp and they are capable to tell decisively of an event.  The sub-lord is a phenomenon revealed to us by Prof. Shri K.S. Krishnamurthi.

History of Evolution
From July 1927, Late Prof. Shri K.S. Krishnamurthi started to study various Astrological books and to undertake research on the subject. From the year 1934, when he tried to analyze astrologically the happenings in a person’s life, by employing both the Hindu and Western disciplines, he found that he could not arrive at a correct and exact conclusion.  Though many astrologers had utilized various methods, he could not identify a common correct method among them.  This resulted in his fatigue, disappointment and discouragement. So in 1939 he decided to explore the factual secrets of Astrology and started by devoting more of his time to research.  For this purpose he chose the horoscopes of two babies born at the same time, i.e. twins.  He found that the positions of all the Planets and Bhavas in both the horoscopes were identical – same Sign, same Bhava, same Degree and same Minute.  Yet the two of them did not enjoy their life in the same way – that is, one of them was enjoying all the comforts of life while the other was facing all the difficulties of life.  One of the twins got married at his young age and is leading a happy wedded life.  The other twin is anticipating divorce, why this disjunction? He began to analyze the reasons for the disparity.  Why the twins with identical positions of all the planets and bhavas on their horoscopes (and born in only 2 minutes’ difference) could not experience the aspects of their life in an identical manner?

Then he divided the constellation (in which the planets and the cusps are positioned) into 9 unequal proportions according to the Vimsothari Dasa system. These subdivisions are called the “Sub-lords” and the theory is known as the “Sub-lord Theory”.  In this theory, each planet will be traveling in a star and in depth it will travel in a sub-lord.  Likewise each cusp will have a constellation (Star-lord) and Sub-lords. He found that only these sub-lords are different in each of the two horoscopes of the twins (even with a difference of 2 minutes) and these sub-lords are causing the different experiences to both the twins.

He also discovered the constellation (Star-lord) in which a planet travels is stronger than the planet, and the sub-lord is much stronger than the star-lord of the planet.

The star-lord will indicate the nature of the event, but the sub-lord will decide whether the event would be fruitful or not.  This is the very basic fundamental aspect of the KP system.

Subsequently the Master established the relationship between the planet sub-lords and the cuspal sub-lords and their significance, and devised the KP system.  Another great discovery in his research was that of “Ruling Planets”.

He discovered that some planets have a common contact when the urge arises to question about an event, when that event is being analyzed, and when the event is taking place.  He named those planets as the “Ruling Planets”.  This RP concept is the lifeline of the KP system.

These ruling planets indicate to the astrologer the nature of an incident and the time when it would happen.

Thus the Master utilized the concept of Horary astrology to analyze the minor and major incidents in a person’s life and succeeded in predicting the time when such incidents would happen.

I take pride in announcing that I am utilizing this Scientific Method in my research of your horoscopes.

Good Luck !

Dr.G.K.Adith Kasinath
“KP Hora Ratna”
Tel: 9043419466/ 8015100700
Email: [email protected]

Prevention is better than cure: Purpose of consulting an expert KP astrologer

Astrology is a divine tool which could be useful like a guide in your life which is unknown to you. Astrologer can not change your fate. But he can alert you in time for proper preparation to face and tackle the situation to reduce or increase the impact.

This would help you utilise the favorable time and avoid the unfavorable time which could save you from mental frustration, loss of money and time. This would help you to lead a peaceful life by knowing and understanding the destiny.

Instead of running from one astrologer to an another after a failure in any of the events like marriage, progeny, loss in business etc.,, one must try to find an expert astrologer and consult  in advance before proceeding any action . One should know the destiny, precautions to be taken, the right period etc before initiating any event. Because  prevention is better than cure, and in a way prevention is the only cure.


1. One must know the overall strength of the lagna and other bavas in the chart.

2. One must find the destiny indicated by each house (by study on the cusp) to understand if they are completely positive or negative or a mixture of both. Accordingly, we can decide on the next course of action.

3.  Lets compare destiny to a less powered moped for an event, one cannot think of crossing 50 kmph speed at the maximum in spite of one’s talent and effort on the throttle. Hence finding the strength of the destiny and the destiny itself is the most important one.

4. It is important to understand that one cannot get what is not destined. Only the level of impact can be reduced or increased by the effort or remedial measures or precautions according to the guidance by an astrologer.

5. It would help to consult a good astrologer periodically to get guidance properly on all events in one’s life

6. Interestingly,  the running short periods of particular planet could trigger him/her to get involved or interested into a particular event, but consulting a good astrologer to find if the destiny for such event is good or not and also if the coming periods are favorable. Just because of the current positive thoughts or urge or advice by others  for particular event in a particular time, it is well advised not jump into that. This is applicable for all the events of life. This is where most of the people fail and finally end up in trouble.

7. One should commence efforts for anything in a favorable or supportive period which could further minimise the bad significations. This favorable period is not just a muhurtha but also a favorable one according to one’s chart. So selection of good favorable period and muhurtha is most important. Hence  one should know the favorable and possible period for an event and do one’s effort accordingly. We have to hit the rod when it is hot !

8. Most important use of knowing the destiny is to get prepared mentally to move ahead which could solve the half of the trouble.

Let you know the destiny first in your chart for each event in your life and further the role of the running Dasa Bukthi periods through the great KP system and act accordingly.

Om Sairam !

Pranams to my Guruji Shri.KSK.!!!

Good Luck !

Dr.G.K.Adith Kasinath
“KP Hora Ratna”
Tel: 9043419466/ 8015100700
Email: [email protected]

What is the difference between traditional vedic sytem and the adavanced system of KP (Krishnamurti Pathathi)?

Traditional Vedic system is a basic system wherein most of the time the predictions seem to be same for those born with same lagna/rasi and the predictions are vague and most of the time go wrong .

For example, lets take that twins who are born within few minutes interval. A traditional astrologer would erect the birth chart wherein almost all the planetary position, the lagna and other house positions would be the same for both the babies in both the Rasi and Navasmsa charts. But in real life each baby would experience different results in each event in life like Health, Education, Marriage, Marriage life, Profession, etc.,.  Why?

In an another case, an astrologer would have predicted that the native who was running the Dasa period of exalted planet who was favorably posited in the natal chart would definitely bring him gain and success. But the native would have struggled and lost all his money in that period . How?

This is the main difference between the traditional approach and KP theory.  As per KP system (you can study the separate article about KP system given to understand better), the house division and the planetary positions are marked as per their exact degree that they are passing at the time of birth in the zodiac. Even small difference in the time would the degree of their position and the rulers of the planet or house would vary and also the destiny would change.

The traditional astrologers would take a same lagna for two people born approximately within two hours interval. Even if you give approximate time , they wont bother . They just fix up the lagna and give predictions. That is wrong. If we cast the chart asper KP principles , the planetary and the house positions would vary. Further the planets would be traveling in the star of other planet and in the sub of other planet which is the deciding factor. So the role of a particular event is controlled by its star lord and decided by its sub lord. Hence only through this method the destiny and the exact role of each planet could be known.

We can daily watch in media that many Traditional astrologers are giving predictions/forecasts  just based on Lagna or Moon Rasi. Are they correct ? NO. If so, there would be only twelve types of people in the world. Is it not! Hence do not just trust those predictions or forecasts which are general predictions. Further we could see many people just believe in their words in terms of remedies to get out of the trouble they face and spend huge money without any results at the end. They again start searching for another astrologer who can give them the solution. The people must first find the destiny, the right period and the correct steps to be taken in the process. For which they need to find an Expert KP Astrologer with good knowledge in the advanced systems like scientific stellar and sublord theory (KP).

Good Luck !

Dr.G.K.Adith Kasinath
“KP Hora Ratna”
Tel: 9043419466/ 8015100700
Email: [email protected]

What is destiny?

It is well known that most of the people will  consult an astrologer or many astrologers for a particular event or for most of their events to know the forecast or to find the auspicious periods or to find a solution to their problem(s).

Lets compare destiny to a less powered moped for an event, one cannot think of crossing 50 kmph speed at the maximum in spite of one’s talent and effort on the throttle. Hence finding the strength of the destiny and the destiny itself is the most important one.

An eminent astrologer could find the destiny of an event in the chart and predict well. If the prediction is not supportive to the person or people enquiring, the very next question raised by them  would be  “What is the Remedy for that ?”

Many of the Astrologers with limited knowledge take advantage  of the state of the client and try to make money out of it in terms of remedies like expensive poojas and pariharas. But the result of such remedial measures can be positive for few and no impact for many. Nobody knows if those few clients got positive results either because of such remedial measures or not because they were already destined for that

In medial field, proper diagnosis of the disease  is the most important one; and the prognosis (outcome or fate) of the disease, if that is curable or incurable or some chance for betterment. Then the correct medicines have to be prescribed for a particular time of period by the doctor and the same has to be taken by the patient with true trust.

In the same way, in Astrology , the Astrologer has to find the real causative planets for the particular trouble of the native. Then the destiny (fate) of the trouble or event is to be studied from the particular cuspal ruler’s significations if there are complete negative or positive significations or mixed significations due to which the native face hurdles. If the Astrologer finds if there are positive significations along with hurdles, then required remedial measures to activate or strengthen the positive significator or to reduce or balance the negative significators. If there are complete negative destiny is seen, No remedy or No God could help.

That is destiny.


You should understand what is the use of astrology and consulting an Astrologer , when it is said  that everything is destined.

Most of the people run one after another astrologer with an urge if any one astrologer could solve their problem and help them come out of the trouble or find solution..

One must understand that no astrologer can solve one’s problem and can not stop the destiny.

But the level of impact alone can be reduced or balanced or increased by proper guidance.

No astrologer could bring luck to you which is not destined in your chart, but an Expert KP astrologer can guide the people  how to act and react in the present and future periods to face the problems or reduce the impact or to increase the beneficial effects.

NO Astrologer can Stop Raining. But an astrologer can warn you about the up coming rain and can guide you to take an Umbrella with you to protect from the impact of the rain.

Good Luck !

Dr.G.K.Adith Kasinath
“KP Hora Ratna”
Tel: 9043419466/ 8015100700
Email: [email protected]

Horary Astrology

Horary astrology is a marvelous, very useful concept in the field of Vedic Astrology.  This continues to be practiced by traditional Hindu as well as Western astrologers.  The Master Astrologer Prof. Shri K.S. Krishnamurthi has researched and experienced scientifically over several years, the concept of “Krishnamurthi Paththadhi” (KP System) which is very wonderful and very precise.  Astrologers following either the traditional Hindu or Western disciplines above mentioned face difficulties in finding the answers to questions regarding the nature of events and the exact time when they would take place.  Most of them think that it is difficult to state precisely the time of the happening. This is due to the methods they follow in predicting.  But “Krishnamurthi Paththadhi” surpasses these and helps to find in the most precise manner the time when the event would take place.  The correct answers can be given to the people asking questions and the period of the event can be stated without hesitation.

For immediate precise and correct predictions the Horary chart Analysis is the best.

Our Master Astrologer Prof. Shri K.S. Krishnamurthi has established by his research that the “Ruling Planets” (RP) play a big role in analyzing and finding out the accurate timing of events through a Horary chart prepared according to the KP System.

According to the KP System, the “Ruling Planets” indicate to the astrologer the nature of an incident and the time when it is bound to happen, when a question about such an incident is raised.  Further it can be verified that those planets are indeed in the ruling position when the incident actually takes place.

The time of birth of a person may be not known, incorrect or doubtful.  In such cases, a difference of a few minutes on the Natal chart can effect changes in the sub-lords of the cusps of the zodiac.  Hence there is the possibility of wrong predictions and incorrect computation of event timings when they are based on such a Natal chart.  But it is not so with the Horary chart which is precise. When our competent astrologer analyzes a Horary chart prepared according to KP system, he is able to give the correct, Accurate Predictions to the questions posed by the client and also state exactly about the timing of an event.  This is the excellent aspect of the KP System.

Further, some happenings which cannot be found out with the Natal chart can be traced with only the KP System.  For instance, will I get back the stolen article? Is my missing daughter alive, and when she will return?  And so on.  So the KP System using the Horary chart is the best.

When a Question is raised, the client is asked a number from 1-249 to fix the Lagna (Ascendant) based on which the Horary chart is prepared for the time and place of the judgment by our Astrologer as per KP. Our Astrologer analyzes the chart and gives his best predictions to the Client.

Importantly, the person who is asking a question should have the urge to find the answer. Otherwise the Chart prepared will not be Radical and it may lead to wrong judgment. At the same time the astrologer will be prompted to give the Accurate Predictions by an urge to analyze the matter in question.

Good Luck !

Dr.G.K.Adith Kasinath
“KP Hora Ratna”
Tel: 9043419466/ 8015100700
Email: [email protected]


First of all, I like to assure that remedial measures can not bring in the desired results to every one for every problem. What is completely absent in the destiny can not be brought out . So if there are complete negating significations present in the horoscope for a particular event, no remedial measures could help, because of the bad karma. But If there is presence of any positive significations along with negating factors which could cause hurdles, some remedial measures could help to activate the beneficial factors and to reduce the negative factors.

No Astrologer can stop Raining through Remedies. But an astrologer can predict and warn you about the up coming rain and can guide you to take an Umbrella with you to protect from the impact of the rain. Here seeking the help of the Umbrella is remedy. If the native is not destined or not remembering what the astrologer told him, he will forget to take the umbrella on the day of rain , though he has been carrying all the other days. That is destiny.

Firstly the fore most preparative remedial measure is to understand, accept the destiny properly on account of past karma and to act accordingly controlling the mind a sper the guidance of a good Astrologer. This would help one get prepared to go ahead , face troubles and reduce disappointments.

Hence go by the proper guidance of a Guru or an Astrologer always which would help you to lead your life peacefully.

There are many Remedial measures:

1. Worshiping specific God and Goddess and visiting the temples

2. Mantras.

3. Yantras,

4. Homa/Yaga/Poojas,

5. Lal kitab

6. Gemstones

Out of these, Mantras could be more helpful in seeking the help of the benefic planets and also to pacify the malefic planets. Proper chanting of Mantras could ward off and guard from the evil effects. Yantras also could be useful to wear and also to worship with proper mantras to seek help or pacify the planets.

And Worshiping God and Goddess visiting their temple with dedication would give peace and blessing from them.

Mantras and yantras could be supportive therapy whereas GEM therapy could be the prime.

Remedies prescribed  in the report :

The required useful remedial measures may be advised to reduce the malefic effects of certain planets or to enhance the beneficial effects. But this is not mandatory for all the reports as this depends on the planetary positions in the chart..

The remedial measures along with the astrological report would contain any or all of the following categories.

1) Exploring the destiny and advising to get mentally prepared and proceed accordingly

2) Mantras and Yantras

3) Visiting temples and worshiping specific God/Goddess

4) Lal Kitab remedies

The “Gem therapy” which is one of the best method would be handled as a separate paid service, as it involves more study and time.

 Good Luck !

 Dr.G.K.Adith Kasinath
“KP Hora Ratna”
Tel: 9043419466/ 8015100700
Email: [email protected]

Gem Therapy

By wearing the Gem(s) of beneficial planet(s) would absorb more rays from concerned planet(s) like a receiver that receives sound or light rays and pass the cosmic energy into our body. This would increase the influence of the beneficial planet(s) and strengthen the beneficial elements sothat this could wither balance or reduce the negative energy of the malefic planets.

So proper Gem has to be chosen and worn.

Gems can be worn for the following:

  1. Gem Therapy for a Particular problem as a remedy: to enhance benefic energy of a beneficial planet either to balance or reduce the impact of a particular problem due to certain planets or periods. This is advised to wear it for a particular period of time.  Important Note: The astrologer will decide the requirement of any Gem therapy for a particular problem in life, only after thorough study on the chart.
  1. Gems as Lucky Gem(s) : To enhance positive energy of the beneficial planet(s) according to one’s chart to bring all around prosperity and luck into one’s life (Lucky Gems). This is advised to wear it for the life time.


There are three important factors to be looked into while selecting Gems.

a)      The top most one is selection of correct Gem that is required for the native. There are many school of thoughts prevailing within the Astrologers. But to my experience, selection of Gem which is beneficial in the chart in all aspects could be chosen either to increase the beneficial effect or to reduce the malefic effect of the other malefic planet. Some Astrologers would refer to wear a Gem of a planet which is already causing trouble in the given time. But wearing of a Gem of a malefic planet assuming that it would strengthen its effect would worsen the situation rather. This is wrong. One has to wear a gem of a planet which could either reduce the malefic effect by counteracting or to increase its beneficial effect to withstand or balance. Further one can also wear the Gem of a planet which is the best beneficial one in the chart which can bring luck or prosperity in one’s life as Lucky Gem. Most importantly, the benefic and malefic planets have to be carefully found through deep study on the chart especially considering the stellar and Sublord level significations.

b)      The second factor : Originality and Purity of the GEM: After selecting the proper Gem to be worn, getting a Gem with originality and without nay flaws is more important and is difficult also as there are many duplicates in the market. But we can get them from reliable sources. sources such Gems with lab test report form reliable sources.

c)      The last one : The procedure to wear : The correct size of the Gem, the correct Metal to use , correct Hand /Finger with proper mantra and poojas.

It is Must to consult an Expert KP Astrologer without choosing by one’s own limited knowledge gained through some articles or books or through wrong suggestion by other astrologers etc, . Wrong selection of Gem would worsen the situation than bringing in the desired results.

Good Luck !

Dr.G.K.Adith Kasinath
“KP Hora Ratna”
Tel: 9043419466/ 8015100700

Important points in Marriage Matching


1)      Marriage matching does not stop only with the Star or Guna matching . It is only a general matching which may be required only to sort list the list of bride or groom. Even in this star matching, there are many schools of thoughts prevailing.

2)      Apart from the Star matching, Mars Dosha, Rahu/Ketu Dosa are also considered by many astrologers.

3)      The Most important factors to be considered in marriage matching are:

a)      A detailed study on the destiny through the 7th cuspal rulers and Venus.

b)      Study on the destiny on the longevity, progeny, career, finance etc., have to be studied for each chart.

c)      The significations of the running and the coming Dasa periods have to be studied

d)      Matching has to be done to the one whose chart is having either favorable significations or balancing of the negative significations to the other chart

e)       According to the strength and weakness in one’s chart, matching has to be done and other parameters like education, Social and financial status should not be given much importance for a happy and smooth marital life.

What the parents or the Bride or Groom have to do before proceeding with the Marriage proposals:

1) Generally the parents or the Boy or girl have the wrong perception that a boy or a girl being good looking and handful earning can easily get married and will lead a happy marital life. But it is not so happening to all. We can still find many good looking girls or boys with good earning are yet to get married even after the age of 30.  Why ?

2) The parents think that once the daughter crosses the age of 21 or 23 or so, it is the time to get married and they start looking for alliance. Then they get frustrated with the delay if any and disappointments after spending more money and time. Why this is so ?

3) Many traditional astrologers predict to the parents that the coming year will be auspicious due to the Guru Bhalam as Guru is going to transit favorably and this would fructify the marriage. But it is not happening for most of the people. Why ?

Primarily the parents or the native should consult a good Astrologer to check the destiny on the marriage and marital life in the chart. And they should find the possible and favorable periods of marriage of the son or daughter. Depending on the suggestion they should start looking for the alliance in the right period.

If the son or the daughter is destined for a happy marital life, but delay in the marriage is indicated, the parents should look for the alliance in the advised period by the astrologer instead of just bothering about the age or the comments by the relatives who always enquire about the marriage.

If the son or daughter is destined with hurdles or troubles in marital life , it would be hard to accept by the parents. They immediately start approaching some other astrologer who can say good bout that. An Astrologer can not change the fate of the native. They should patiently accept the truth and act accordingly as follows:

  1. They should look for the bride or groom in whose chart the favorable significators are present and they could balance the detrimental significations of the son or the daughter.
  2. The general expectation on the status, money and other parameters should be considered secondarily. Importance have to be given to the compatibility to our weakness in our chart. This has to be understood by the parents first sothat they can guide the children accordingly.
  3. Understanding the weakness in the chart, the parents have to guide the daughter or son to compromise with the partner to lead to happy marital life. They have to keep them under their guidance.
  4. A brought up boy or girl with a better chart would be more compatible to your daughter or son.
  5. Proper matching and conducting marriage in proper period/time are a must. Some do conduct the marriage in a period which is not favorable one for either of the couple. It is important that marriage has to be conducted in a period which is favorable for both the couple. The favorable period has to be judged through thorough analysis by a good astrologer.

And most of the people immediately ask for any remedies to get rid of that. And many people spends a lot of money towards that and blames the astrology for the nil effect. Or they run after other astrologers.

You must keep in mind that some remedial measures can help to increase the benefic effect or to reduce the malefic effect, but no remedies could completely change the destiny.

For example, If one is diabetic , he can not take more sugar even if he is a millionaire. He can control the sugar level with the proper nutrition and also medicines. But he may feel that he could not satisfy his fond of sweets. But understanding the seriousness of the diabetic , he tries to control his mind and run the life healthy to the best he can. Because he knows it would lead to all deadly health troubles.

Similarly a boy or girl with problematic destiny for marriage, even if she is rich or beautiful, he/she can lead a better life only through control of mind understanding the destiny and compromising with the partner.

Hence a fore most thing is to find the destiny of the marriage and marital life from a good KP astrologer and to follow his guidance carefully.

Good Luck !

Dr.G.K.Adith Kasinath
“KP Hora Ratna”
Tel: 9043419466/ 8015100700
Email: [email protected]